Friday, February 20, 2009

RON97 petrol to cost more in July

PUTRAJAYA: The price of RON97 petrol will be increased, when the Government introduces RON95 to replace RON92 in July, said Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad.

He said this was to encourage consumers to use RON95, which was cheaper compared to RON97.

“The Government intends to subsidise more on RON95, when it is introduced in July to make it the same price as RON92,” he told a press conference here on Friday.

He said the price of both RON95 and RON97 petrol would be announced in July.

Currently, he said, 80% of petrol users were using RON97. “In fact, RON92 is suitable for most of the vehicles in our country but it is not as popular as RON97.

“Our way is to subsidise more for RON95 and reduce the subsidy for RON97 so that more consumers will opt for the former,” he said.

However, he said, the Government had no plan to float the price of RON97 in July.

“We will increase the price of RON97 reasonably, when RON95 is introduced but if we use the floating system for RON97, its price will immediately increase by 50 sen,” he said.

"He said countries like Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore have been using RON95 without any problems".

Stupid Shahrir!

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